Considering the importance of heredity and environment in the development of the child and throughout life, many psychologists at different times have used many methods regarding the effect of heredity in human life.

On the basis of various experiments, we can say that heredity and environment have a profound influence throughout the lifetime of a person.

Effect of Heredity and Environment on Child Development 

Effect of heredity in the development of the child: -


Here we will tell you about some of the major effects of heredity in the life of a child, which are as follows-

  • effect of heredity on native powers
  • effects of heredity on physical traits
  • effect of heredity on superiority of species
  • effect of heredity on professional qualification
  • effect of heredity on social status
  • effects of heredity on character
  • effects of heredity on greatness
  • effects of heredity on growth 

1. Effect of heredity on the basic powers :-

Thorndike has given priority to the influence of heredity in the basic powers of the child in the life and development of the child. Thorndike believes that the main reason for the basic powers of the child is his heredity.

2. Effect of heredity on physical traits :-

Heredity also affects the physical characteristics of human beings. Karl Pearson has given his opinion regarding the effects of inheritance of physical characteristics that if "the height of the parents is also affected in their offspring, which is a kind of physical characteristic".


3. Effect of heredity on the superiority of species :-

Inheritance has a profound effect on the superiority of the species, in relation to which Klinenberg has given his views that “species is the reason for the superiority of intelligence. That is why the white race in America is superior to the Negro race.” However, many psychologists have also differed in this view of Klinenberg.

4. Effect of heredity on professional qualification :-

Cattle considers heredity as the main reason for professional qualification. Cattle studied the ability of 885 scientists families of America to find out the effect of heredity in business and told that out of total 885 scientific families, the number of families belonging to the business class was 2/5 of the total number, Similarly, 1/2 of the producer class and only 1/4 of the agricultural class had families.


5. Effect of Heredity on social status :-

Winship has given his views regarding the effect of heredity on social status, saying that children of virtuous and respected parents also get prestige in their lifetime.

Winship studied the family of Edward and his wife Elizabeth, who (Edward and Elizabeth) belonged to a distinguished family, before giving his opinion on the effect of inheritance on social status. Whose descendants held prestigious positions and one of his descendants also became the Vice President of America.


6. Effect of heredity on character :-

Dugdale 's belief on the influence of heredity on character is that the children of characterless parents are characterless. And in the same way the children of parents with good character are also of good character.

Dugdale gave his view on the effect of heredity on character in 1877 AD by studying the descendants of Jucus .

7. Effect of heredity on greatness :-

Galton has a direct opinion about the effect of heredity on greatness, that the cause of a man's greatness is his heredity.


A person's height, character, health, intelligence, mental strength etc. are based on his heredity. In the effect of heredity on greatness, Galton says that-

Studying the life characters of great judges, politicians, military officers, litterateurs, scientists and sportspersons, it is known that in their families there have been other people who did great work in these fields.

– Galton

(The effect of heredity on greatness)


8. Effect of heredity on growth :-

Goddard has said on the effect of heredity on growth, that the children of parents with low intelligence are of slow intelligence and the children of parents of high intelligence are of sharp intelligence.

On the effect of heredity on growth, Kolesnik has said that-

The extent to which a person's anatomy is determined by his parentage, to that extent the structure of his brain and nervous system, his other characteristics, his sporting skills and his mathematical abilities, all these things depend on his heredity. But those things depend more on his environment.


(Influence of heredity on growth)


The above statements clearly show that heredity has an effect on the physical and mental development of a person.

Effect of Environment on Child :-

Based on the study done by psychologists, it is proved that the geographical, social and cultural environment has an important role on the personality of the child. 

Here the major effects of the environment in a person's life have been told, which are as follows-


  • effects of environment on physical differences
  • effect of environment on mental development
  • effect of environment on intelligence
  • effect of environment on personality
  • Effect of environment on superiority of species
  • effect of environment on orphans
  • effect of environment on twins
  • multifaceted effect of environment on the child 


1. Effect of environment on physical difference :-

With regard to the influence of the environment on physical differences, Franz Bons is of the opinion that-

The reason for physical differences of different species is not heredity but environment.

– Franz Bones

Franz Bons has given many examples to prove the idea of his environment on the influence of physical differences, such as Franz Bons said that the Japanese and Jewish people who have been living in America for many generations, their height is related to America's geography. increased due to the environment.


2. Effect of environment on mental development :-

For the effect of environment on mental development, Gordon believes that if a person does not get proper social and cultural environment around him, the pace of his mental development slows down.

Gordon gave the example of children living on the banks of rivers regarding his opinion and proved by studying that the pace of development of these children was adversely affected due to poor environment.


3. Effect of environment on intelligence :-

After studying the effect of environment on intelligence, Kendol said that –

The effect of environment on the development of intelligence is greater than the effect of heredity on the development of intelligence.

– Kendol

Kendol studied 552 French scholars to know about the effect of environment on intelligence and found that most of them belonged to the wealthy class. Due to which suitable facilities were available to them for getting education.


Stephens supported Kendoll and said-

If children are brought up in a good environment, then their intelligence-gain increases.

– Stephens 

4. Effect of environment on personality :-

In relation to the impact of environment on personality, Coole studied 71 litterateurs and found out that two of them were from poor families, but both of them could become great litterateurs due to having a good environment.


The development of the personality of children is multifaceted when they grow up in a good environment. If the child of poor parents is brought up in a good environment, then he too can develop a good personality.

5. Effect of environment on superiority of species :-

In relation to the influence of the environment on the superiority of the species, Clark has given his opinion that –

The reason for the intellectual superiority of some species is not heredity but environment.

– Clark 


Clark proved his views on the influence of the environment on the superiority of the race by taking the intelligence test of some white and Negro people of America. Clark says that the level of intelligence of the Negro race is low because they do not have the same level of education as the white race of America. , cultural and social environment is not available.

6. Effect of environment on orphan children :-

Orphaned and destitute children come to the social welfare centres. They usually belong to low families, but they are well nurtured in social welfare centers, and they also get a better environment, which gives them a good personality.


Children brought up in this type of environment prove to be better than their parents as a whole.

– Woodworth 

7. Effect of environment on twins :-

There is a great deal of similarity in the physical characteristics, mental powers, behavior and educational abilities of the twins. But if both the children are kept in different environment then there is a substantial difference between them.

Newman, Freeman and Holzinger placed 20 pairs of twins, one of each pair on a rural farm and the other in the city. Significant differences were found between the two children when they grew up.


Environment has a general and special effect on intelligence and achievement.

– Stephens 

8. Multifaceted effect of the environment on the child :-

The environment has a deep impact on all the qualities of man including physical, mental, social, emotional. This is confirmed by the example of the wild child of Aveyron –

A child was taken away by the wolf soon after birth and was brought up among wild animals. Some hunters caught him in 1799 AD. At that time he was 11 or 12 years old. That child used to walk with hands and feet like animals. He used to eat raw meat. He did not have the power to speak and think like a human. All efforts to make him civilized and educated like a human being failed.


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