C D syllabus



Course Code 101             CHILD DEVELOPMENT

Maximum Marks: 100                                                                        Theory: 75

Practicum: 25 Student contact                                                            Hours: 65


The purpose of this course is to enhance the understanding of teachers of young children regarding the foundations of growth and development. Together with locating development within the socio-cultural context it provides the normative developmental trajectories of children given an optimal educational environment. The theoretical understanding of the processes in development and learning will provide teachers with the tools to design age-appropriate curriculum/ activities for children.

The life span approach has been used to design the syllabus of the core paper on 'Child Development' in line with the NEP age divisions to provide the students with holistic view of that particular stage. In Unit 2, the teacher educator will give an overview of the theoretical perspectives of Child Development. Detail of various theories will be dealt in the following units as per age related stages.

The course also attempts to provide teachers with greater sensitivity towards the plurality within the country and the need to engage with inclusion with the learning environment.


This course seeks to facilitate the student teachers to:

1. Describe the normative development in all domains from pre-natal to early adolescence. 2. Understand the biological, environmental and cultural contexts/ foundations of development and how they impact learning.

3. Understand and appreciate significance of early stimulation in development 4. Appreciate the contribution of select developmental theorists to understanding developmental needs of children and the impact on learning. 5. Apply the different methods of child study and interventions in classroom and other settings to enhance development.


Unit 1: Introduction to Child Development                                         15 Marks

• Understanding Child Development, its nature, scope, and significance of studying it as a discipline.

Basic concept and principles of growth and development Role of heredity and environment in a child's development

• Introduction to the stages of development - prenatal period, infancy, preschool years, middle school years and adolescence

• Culture, contexts and early years- the physical environment, psycho-social, and socio-political context of development Brain Development and early stimulation during early years

Unit 2: Theories and Methods of Child Study                                               15 Marks

• Introduction to select theoretical perspectives on Child Development: Attachment theories, Cognitive theories, Language theories, social learning theories (Bowlby, Piaget, Erikson, Chomsky, Kohlberg, Vygotsky) & their implications in different development stages.

Techniques of child study: Observation method, interview, questionnaire, case study, portfolio, anecdotes, cumulative record and checklist.

Unit 3: Development during first three years (birth-3 years)                          10 Marks

Characteristics and capacities of infants in different developmental domains

• Early stimulation during infancy: Concept, importance of nurturing and stimulating environment during infancy. • Significant milestones during infancy

• Positive parenting: Concept and importance of lullabies, stories, songs, gestures, conversation etc. in an infant's life.

Application of different theoretical perspectives with respect to first three years in different domains.

Unit 4: Development during Early Childhood Years (3-6 years)           15 Marks

Characteristics and capacities of pre-school children in various developmental domains.


Children's Play: concept, importance, characteristics and its types.

Emergent literacy/ foundational literacy & numeracy concept and methods

• Promoting development across domains through traditional & modern songs, stories, games, indigenous play material and other activities.

• Identifying developmental issues among pre-schoolers and mechanisms for early intervention

Application of different theoretical perspectives with respect to development in these three years in different domains.

Unit 5: Development during Late Childhood Years (6-12 years)           10 Marks

Characteristics and capacities of children in middle childhood years in different

Self-concept: Meaning, factors influencing development of self-concept and strategies to promote positive self-concept in classroom Behavioural Concerns in children: Causes, Identification, interventions

(Aggression, stealing, thumb sucking, lying, attention deficits and hyperactivity)

Application of different theoretical perspectives with respect to development during late childhood in different domains.

Unit 6: Development during early adolescent years (12-14 years)                   10 Marks

Early adolescent period: Characteristics and capacities in different developmental


Puberty: Concept, early and late maturation, identity formation.

Influences during puberty: gender, peer pressure, substance abuse, self-harm, health issues, protecting self. Life skills: concept, importance & types Application of different theoretical perspectives with respect to early adolescence in different domains.

Role of parents, school, peer group and community in promoting development during different stages of development.

Practicum                                                                                 Total Marks: 25

Choose any TWO from Section -A and Choose any ONE from Section –B

Section –A                                                                                10*2=20 Marks

Let's learn together: This is a group activity in which class can be divided into groups of 8-10 students. Each group shall select children of a particular age group and record their activities using (videos or text), transcribe the recording and analyse the selected development. Each member of the group will work on a subject /child and record any one area of development of that subject. Relate the recorded video of the subject with Developmental milestones of that period and prepare a brief report. Then sequentially compile all the videos of the group. Present group work in class while relating it with milestones of that age.

Developing understanding of the child: Observe any one child, preferably during the School Experience Programme and prepare notes about the child's behaviour. Observations of the child with respect to different developments, likes, dislikes, achievements, needs, interests, classwork, social relations, communication skills, writing work, habits can be done. Interpret the same and analyze the areas in which the selected child needs interventions.

Based on the above activity, write notes about your understanding of the child. Prepare a child care plan and write the points that you would like to discuss with parents to share with them about their child's achievements and areas of concern. Also, suggest the support that you would expect from the parents of the child with respect to the child's development and learnings.

Learning from field experience: Visit any institution that caters to children between 0- 14 years of age. These institutions can be Anganwadis/ Preschools, Day Care Centres, Creches, Elementary schools, or institutions for Children with Special Needs. Observe how classes are being organized, teacher-student interactions, document best practices, availability of different learning materials, and classroom pedagogy being implemented. Based on this experience, prepare a report of your learnings related to developmental aspects of those activities.

Section -B

5 Marks

Using our rich cultural heritage for children's development: Compile lullabies, poems, stories, songs, games, customary practices, folk art and any other such material that you think contributes to a child's development. Write how this collection would help you as a teacher.

Let's practice our understanding about children's learning: Develop learning material for at least five activities for children in the age group 3-6/ 6-8 years that you think will help develop Foundational Literacy and Numeracy (FLN) among them. This can include, worksheets, games, fun activities, picture storybooks, reading cards, flashcards, songs, and toys.

Plan a session with 5 expectant mothers to enhance their awareness about early stimulation during infancy, importance of nurturing and stimulating environment during infancy and importance of positive parenting. Write a report of your insights and interaction with parents.


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